Welcome to DiFY's Space

Our logo, the soul gaping horn

When I used to go visit my family, I wouldn't have any internet, so what I did was listen a lot (and I really mean A LOT) of music from the radio. I started to buy CDs and Casettes to record music to and when they became available even got a radio, that could record to usb. I started to identify and learn patterns, that the recorded tracks had and studied them carefully. Then I started to ask myself, if they would really just record all the instruments and synths and mix them down.

A Duck made by putting a pine tree on the moon and the moon on a grindstone

When I got my first good laptop at 13 I started to experiment with FL Studio and I've been using it since then. I don't claim to be any good at it and only very occasionally release something but when I do, it's usually on SoundCloud. While you're at it also check out my friend that inspired me even more to commit to and stick to creating music Trip4Rest. There are many DJ Sets that we both created on his Profile too, if you want to hear some of it.

This is a preview of my latest track:

DiFY · Running Around